Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

Jasa aqiqah semarang Bina Sakinah MASJID AGUNG JAWA TENGAH (www.aqiqahqurban.wordpress.com) Semarang


1 komentar:

  1. Subhanallah , terima kasih yang mak bro...

    Monggo dikunjungi pula, blog saya sbb:
    Akikah (Arabic: عقيقة, transliteration: Aqiqah) is the sacrifice of animals in Islamic law, as a form of gratitude for Muslims towards Allah SWT. concerning babies born. [1] The law of akikah according to the strongest opinion is the Sunnah Muakkadah, and this is the opinion of the Muslim cleric according to the hadith. [2] [3] Then there are scholars who explain that akikah as a redeemer is meaning that akikah will make the release of the jinn restraint that accompanies all babies from birth. [4]
    The definition of akikah
    Akikah means to slaughter a goat on the seventh day of the birth of a child. According to the language, akikah means deduction. [Citation needed] The ruling on the muakkadah sunnah is for those who are capable, even some scholars claim obligatory. [1]
    Sharia 'akikah. Pls Link To : Jasa aqiqah demak, layanan Aqiqah Demak, Paket Aqiqah di Demak, Rumah aqiqah Demak.

    In Indonesia, the animals that are slaughtered are usually goats or sheep.
    Imam Ahmad and Tirmidhi narrated from Umm Karaz Al Ka'biyah that he asked the Messenger of Allah about akikah. He said, "For boys two slaughtered goats and one girl for slaughtered one, and will not harm you all, whether (slaughtering it) male or female."
    It can be concluded that if a person has the ability to slaughter 2 goats for his son 'Aq أ qah, then he should do it, but if he is unable, 1 goat for' Aq أ qah his son is also permitted and rewarded.
    The word akikah comes from Arabic. Etymologically, it means 'to break'. 'Aqqa wi ¢ lidayhi, meaning if he breaks (the friendship cord) both. In terms, akikah means "slaughtering a goat on the seventh day (from the birth of a baby) as an expression of gratitude for Allah's grace in the form of the birth of a child".

    Catering Aqiqah Demak, Kambing Aqiqah Demak, Layanan aqiqahDemak | Akikah is one of the things prescribed in Islam. The arguments that state this, among them, are the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah, "Every child is prosecuted by his marriage '? There is another hadith which states," Boys (akikah with 2 goats) are daughters (akikahnya) with 1 tail goat'? The legal status of akikah is sunnah. This is in accordance with the views of the majority of scholars, such as Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmad and Imam Malik, based on the above argument. The scholars did not agree with those who said it was mandatory, stating that if the marriage was compulsory, then the obligation would be something that is very well known by religion, and if the marriage was compulsory, then the Messenger of Allah would also have explained the obligation.
    Some scholars such as Imam Hasan Al-Basri, also Imam Laits, argue that the law of marriage is mandatory. This opinion is based on one of the hadiths above, "Kullu ghuli ¢ min murtahanun bi 'aqiqatihi'? (Every child is prosecuted by his marriage), they argue that this hadith shows the proposition of the necessity of marriage and interprets this hadith that a child is restrained interceding for his parents. Until he was married, there were also some scholars who denied his disbursement (masyri »'iyyat) akikah, but this opinion was baseless at all.Thus, the opinion of the majority of scholars was more important to be accepted because of their arguments, that akikah is sunnah.
    For a father who is able to turn on this sunnah until he gets a reward. With this Shari'a, he can participate in spreading love in the community by inviting neighbors in the marriage ceremony.
    Aqiqah Murah di Demak, Jasa Aqiqah Purwodadi | Regarding when the marriage was carried out, the Prophet said, "A child is held captive until he is married, (ie) slaughtered on the seventh day of his birth and given a name at that time?".
